On Being Positive and Creating Your Attitude

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”- Winston Churchill

Positive thinking is the foundation for the Law of Attraction.

Build your foundation strong! A house starts with a foundation. It does not start with the roof. Start with your foundation of positive thoughts as you start your day.

The Law of Attraction states that what you focus your energy and attention on you will get more of the same. Focus on positive thoughts, words and actions!

You are reinforcing your positive foundation with these thoughts, words and actions. Have you ever noticed that when you focus on the negative the attraction principles are also at work? You attract more of the same. So, mind your positive thinking!!

To call something a problem is to create a disempowering judgement.  There are no problems, only opportunities for increasing potential on this amazing journey we call life!

This one-minute video by Jack Canfield does a great job of presenting a practical, grounded view of the power of optimism. Enjoy and please share your thoughts.


 Jack Canfield is the founder and co-creator with Mark Victor Hansen of the legendary best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.

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